Which weapons in OSRS provide the best XP for melee skills?

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Which weapons in OSRS provide the best XP for melee skills?

Ungelesener Beitragvon Tonyfirst » Do 10. Dez 2020, 09:56

In the early stage, you just use the highest scimitar as you can. Use these scimitars to complete most tasks and get an amount of Cheap OSRS Gold. When the level reaches a certain level, you can use other weapons. Level 70 attack: Abyssal Whip. Level 75 attack: abyssal tentacle. An Abyssal tentacle is an Abyssal whip with a Kraken tentacle attached. It's much stronger than the whip, but it will degrade back into a tentacle after 10,000 charges, making it a little more expensive to use. But it's still faster XP overall.

Strength training weapons. Level 70 attack: Saradomin sword. This is a two-handed whip, but it has a strength training option. It's very cheap and doesn't degrade. Level 70 attack: abyssal dagger. Abyssal dagger is a one-handed weapon. It's a little more powerful than the Saradomin sword as long as it's combined with a good offensive shield. This is a good option for strength training.

Level 70 attack + 70 strength: abyssal bludgeon. Abyssal bludgeon is a two-handed weapon that attacks pretty quickly and hits very hard. Even though it's fairly expensive, it's one of the best options for your general strength training. If you don't have enough gold, you can Buy Runescape Gold. Special attack weapons. Level 60 attack: dragon dagger. Level 50 attack + 50 strength: granite maul. Level 70 attack + 35 strength + 50 agility: crystal halberd. Level 60 attack: dragon claws.
Beiträge: 6
Registriert: Mi 9. Dez 2020, 14:53

Re: Which weapons in OSRS provide the best XP for melee skil

Ungelesener Beitragvon xariz » Mi 14. Feb 2024, 19:56

Beiträge: 14607
Registriert: Do 8. Feb 2024, 07:09

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